Of all the decisions you take on behalf of your kid the most preliminary one of choosing the best school for your kid is perhaps the toughest. With a plethora of educational institutions around and new ones adding each day choosing the right school for your kid can surely be a challenge.
We all know that Indian education has a typical western inclination, probably because of the deep-rooted British influence. Though the central governing body NCERT (National Council of Educational Research and Training) monitors pedagogies and curriculums of Indian educational institutions running by providing technical and monetary support; it still has to encounter many challenges.
The traditional education system in India suffers from problems like lack of competent staff, red –tape, lack of political will, infrastructural shortcomings, and a lot more. However, as we are gradually evolving as an aspirational country wanting to contribute to every sector of the global economy, the question arises, are our schools competent enough to prepare our children for these aspirations?
According to legendary educators, education is successful, if it makes a child rational, and enhances their thinking abilities. Education is successful if the pupils grow to become empathetic and well-informed global citizens. However, unfortunately, the stereotype exam-centric, chalk and talk curriculum of the existing Indian education system lacks the dispositions necessary to laying the foundation of a strong career base for students suitable for their talents.
Owing to the drawbacks of the existing model of education, an alternate education system was much needed. There was a need to focus on the inborn talents of children rather than his numbers on the exam sheet. The result was the emergence of private educational institutions. Over the past two decades owing to the rapid urbanization of India, there is a surge in the demand for private education among the growing middle class which explains why they are so popular in our country.
In the last 15 years, there has been 10 times growth in the number of International Schools in India says a survey by Research Gate. Although Cambridge Assessment International Education (CAIE) is the most established program adopted by the International Schools across India. Some of them either integrate the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) or International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) in their curriculum and Pedagogy. Currently, there are approximately seven hundred International Schools in India that offer international education up to the middle and high school levels.
Undoubtedly, getting an education in International Schools is much more advantageous because it implements a curriculum that prepares students to fit in the modern labour market and be responsible global citizens. Here are some added benefits of International Schools you must look into:
With such benefits would you not be interested in providing your kid a better future? With highly refined education systems, international standards, exposure to multiple languages and cultures your child will naturally have a competitive advantage over other students from the contemporary curriculum. JIRS is a Bangalore-based International Residential School reputed for providing the best academic and student life.
Founded in 1999 by Dr. Chenraj Roychand, JIRS while follows deep-rooted tradition on one hand, also adopts modern learning practices at the same time. Providing best-in-class academic facilities, the institution is committed to preparing students to adapt themselves to the dynamic world and attain commendable achievements in life.
To know how JRIS can help your kid grow into futuristic global citizen, get in touch with us today!
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