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The Investiture Ceremony 2022

20 Jul 2022

The Investiture Ceremony 2022

Jain International Residential School held its annual investiture ceremony to induct the newly elected members of the school council on 11 July 2022. The occasion was graced by the chief guest, Dr. Avinash Menon Rajendran, IAS, Additional Commissioner, Under Secretary Bangalore - Taxes and Finance. He motivated the young leaders with inspirational words.

The elite student council consisted of 24 office bearers. During the oath-taking ceremony, the office bearers donning the mantle of accountability pledged to bestow their duties to the best of their ability. The new council of JIRS for the year 2022-23 includes Headboy - Ayush Vinayak, Headgirl -  Heer Shah, Sports Secretary - Sri Bala Gaddury and Aditi Sahu, Cultural Secretary - Rishi Patel and Siddhi Juneja, Adjutant - Mahir Rouf and IG/IB Prefect - Vidhisha Mittal.

Mr. Sanjeeva Kumar Sinha, Principal - JIRS, congratulated the newly elected student council. The ceremony concluded with the National Anthem.

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