The fourth edition of Intra Model United Nations was held in Jain International Residential School on 4 and 5 July 2019. There were three committees which included the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC), the United Nations Organization of Drugs and Crime (UNODC), and the Continuous Crisis Committee (CCC).
MUN had over hundred delegates. They had researched well and their performance could not have been better. There was a press session in each of the three committees and the delegates responded well.
The United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC)
This committee was chaired by Master Rudransh Kedia and was assisted by his vice - chairperson Miss. Bhakti Jain. This committee was filled with many enthusiastic delegates, countries were bombed, peace treaties were formed. An eventful committee as there were well-fought discussions among blocks which were not ready to back down even when their president was captured (The delegate of India). We had the delegate of Democratic People's Republic of Korea ready to bomb the world with his well-known red button that his president claims to have. On the other side, we had the delegate of Sweden ready to fight big powers of the world. Also, the committee faced the crisis where-in we had Islamic State of Iraq and Syria clashing with the Bokoharam. We had Nigeria backed by other countries such as Tunisia and Unite States of America to fight the biggest terrorist group of the world. Towards the end, the UNHRC came up with the resolution which was satisfactory.
The United Nations Organization of Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
Master Sanskar Chakraborty was the Chair Person and Master Tushar Malhotra was the Vice – Chair Person of this committee. The committee started out at a slow space and eventually picked up with active participation when the crisis had come into play. The delegates took it in their stride and managed the crisis very well. All the delegates showed active participation during crisis management. The speeches were to the point and the presidential statements were the turning points of the committee. The Executive Board was respected very well by the delegates. The patrons as always very informative, helped the delegates whenever required. This committee though consisting of many delegates participating in MUN for the first time, spoke very well.
The Continuous Crisis Committee (CCC)
The Chair Person of this committee was Master Anshul Jain and Vice -Chairman was Miss. Dhruvi Lunker. Many delegates of the CCC committee participated in MUN for the first time. Many of the delegates were first timers. By the end of the first day, all the delegates were thorough with the rules of procedures. From receiving only 5 directives on the first day, the committee received 23 the following day. Especially the delegates of Russia and the United Kingdom raised the standards of the committee. Delegate of Pakistan raised Point of Orders on almost every speech. The delegates expressed exceptional topical reasoning, enthusiasm and dedication on the second day. Overall the committee was a success.
We also had three patrons to guide the first time delegates and first time board members. The patrons included Master Yash Jhunjhunwala, Master Yashwardhan Bansal and Master Aryan Dularamani. All three committees were a great success and JIRS hope to see these future MUN delegates carry on the legacy of the JIRS Intra MUN in the forthcoming years.
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